Counseling Session
Encourage Counseling Services

What To Expect

During your first appointment an initial diagnostic evaluation will be completed, where your counselor will ask questions and gather specific information regarding your history and reason for seeking counseling. Initial treatment goals will be set, a provisional diagnosis will be given, and your counselor will discuss treatment practices and philosophy, as well as the benefits and risks of counseling. Your counselor will also answer any questions or concerns you may have about counseling. If, after this initial session, you feel that entering into a counseling relationship with this particular counselor would be beneficial to you, additional sessions will be scheduled.

Please note that when a child is the client in need of counseling, whether for individual or family counseling, much time in the initial session is spent only with the child’s parent(s) or guardian(s) to gather information and to discuss treatment recommendations. During counseling with couples, both individuals will be present for the initial session, but occasionally your counselor may recommend a combination of individual and couples counseling depending on the presenting issues.